Skilled Therapies

Our highly trained physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists combine the latest medical knowledge and most up to date technologies with best-practice techniques and hands-on care to make sure you receive the exact treatment you need. Your therapist will work with you to develop goals for your recovery and will work with your doctor and your LifeCare nurse to create a plan of care that helps you develop the skills and confidence you need to gain independence.

Physical Therapy

Our LifeCare Home Health Family physical therapists will work with you as you recover from surgery, injury and hospitalization so that you can become self-sufficient and return to everyday life.

Your physical therapist will:

  • Assess your home for safety.
  • Determine whether you can benefit from a cane or walker, sit-stand, crutches or Hoyer lift and ensure safe and effective use of all medical equipment.
  • Efficient & appropriate use of muscles – suggest ways you can conserve energy and limit strain on joints and muscles.
  • Transfer safely – ensure you can get in and out of bed or chair safely.
  • Evaluation of Gait – Instruct you in proper use of your gait to navigate stairs, curbs and walking.
  • Create exercise programs for strengthening, improving balance and coordination for increased activity aligned with ADLā€™s.
  • Screen for fall risks.
  • Educate caregivers on exercises and activities that the client can perform at home with verbal guidance to strengthen results

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can help you regain the ability to perform everyday activities, such as eating, dressing, bathing, writing or enjoying a favorite hobby. Occupational therapy is beneficial after a physical injury or stroke or for people with brain cancer, neurological conditions, diabetes, arthritis or other serious long-term illnesses.

LifeCare occupational therapists visit you at your home or place of residence to help you to:

  • Adapt your day-to-day routine to meet your abilities after injury or stroke.
  • Improve fine motor, visual, cognitive and perceptual skills so that buttoning a shirt, putting on shoes, cutting food, brushing teeth or writing your name becomes easier.
  • Learn how to use specially designed equipment or come up with strategies that will help you complete basic tasks safely.
  • Recover more quickly through exercise, wheelchair seating and positioning programs and modifications to your home

Speech Therapy

If you or your family member have suffered a stroke, brain injury or an illness that affects the muscles that control swallowing, your doctor may prescribe speech therapy. Speech therapy, also called speech-language pathology, can benefit patients of all ages. It can be beneficial to those with Parkinsonā€™s disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimerā€™s disease, head or brain injury, head and neck cancer, stroke and serious long-term illness.

Your LifeCare Home Health Speech Language Pathologist can help you to:

  • Regain and adapt to day-to-day activities.
  • Strengthen the muscles of your mouth, neck, and face to avoid problems like choking or coughing and to produce clearer speech.
  • Design and teach personalized swallowing programs.
  • Instruct you on voice retraining.
  • Find other ways to communicate after a stroke, including gestures and facial expressions.
  • Use strategies to reduce frustration when communicating is difficult or problematic.
  • Understand and process what people say to you.
  • Read, write, perform calculations and remember things.